Financial literacy curriculum: 10 sample assignments
I hear frequent complaints from the world that financial literacy isn't taught in schools. It is, actually, but it's hard to get students to pay attention to issues that seem so far away from them. They haven't signed up to buy a house, they have no practical income, anything that comes in is disposable, so who pays attention? If there WAS any way for me to teach a 101 course in financial literacy, here are 10 assignments that I think might help. 1) At the beginning of the course - pick 10 stocks to track in the stock market. They should be companies that you know. What are their prices? At the end of the course, how did your stocks do? Would you have made more investing in these stocks, or a whole market index fund like VTSAX or FZROX? 2) Review the USDA cost of food site . What is the cost of food for everyone living in your house? 3) Find an adult who will share a single credit card statement with you. What were their total purchases? What were the largest expenses? Wh...