Bi-weekly to monthly paycheck calculator

Do you get paid bi-weekly? This simple calculator will help you translate that to a monthly or yearly budget. I faced this challenge too - bills due every month, paychecks falling on totally different days. I maintained at least a paycheck's worth of padding in my checking account just to be safe, but using this method I knew about what I could put on my credit card and still be able to pay it off. The first step to using a credit card is to know, in advance, what you can put on it. Two paychecks is one way but it's nice to know what those two extra checks work out for you too.

Privacy note: As with all my calculators I do not save any numbers you put in this form. It's all you, all on the browser side.

  example: 1500
Weekly (52 checks per year)
Bi-weekly (every other week)
Semi-monthly (24 times per year)
Monthly (12 times per year)
Annually (Once a year)

This works out to:    Weekly:
