Why planning ahead is the most responsible credit card advice
The #1 tip anyone will ever tell you about credit cards is this: Pay your bill. And if you can't do that, or worry about that, the second most popular advice is: Don't have credit cards. Translation: Use your card all month, and when you get the bill just pay it. Good luck! Well I hate this advice because it depends on your past self being responsible, and there's nothing to do to help your future self. Your past self gave you that bill! Do you want to pay it? Sure, probably, you know it's a great idea! Can you pay it? Who knows! If you could, if everyone could, America wouldn't be swimming in credit card debt! So my #1 tip is different: Plan Ahead This may involve reading your credit card statement - something that almost no one does anymore because who needs paper mail when you have an app to just tell you what's due, but if you're smart you can find a place to download a PDF. Every card is different, maybe you don't need to find your statement to figu...